Abobut Us


Somos un pequeño negocio con bases en Puerto Rico.

Made By Liry fue creado y acutaualmente es administrado por una madre soltera de una princesa de 8 años, artesana certificada, puertorriqueña y proveniente del pueblo de Bayamón llamada Amarilys Morales.

Todo comenzó montando mesas en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Bayamón donde estudó Administraciónd e Empresas con concentración en Gerencia. Años mas tarde, se certificó como  Artesana en el Departamento de Fomento como artesana en joyería en alambre y metal. Gracias a esas certificaciones pudo montar mesas y presentarse en varias actividades artísticas y artesanales.

Nuestra artesana tomó cursos de orfebrería con la Sra. Monique Michelle en su estudio “Ladysmith” en donde pudo capacitarse en orfebrería básica, calando láminas en metal, dando texturas y soldando piezas. Luego tomó los cursos de creación de aros “stackables”, pantallas, pulseras y monturas de piedras en bizeles.

La intención de tomar tales cursos fue para poder crear nuevas piezas, a un nivel más sofisticado y de mayor calidad e incluirlas en nuestra linea de joyería.

De ahí, logró Certificarse en el Instituto de Cultura y a participado en ferias artesanales tales como las Ferias de “Pal Pueblo”, Feria la Claridad y se ha podido presenter en eventos de modelajes tales como el “White Christmas Fashion Event” y el “Butterfly Fashion Runway 2”.

Una de sus motivaciones es llevar el mundo del alambrismo a otro nivel para que todo aquel que no conozca las maravillas que se pueden crear con estas técnicas puedan ver y aprender lo más posible de este mundo.


We are a small business based in Puerto Rico.

Made By Liry was created and is currently managed by a single mother of an 8-year-old princess, a certified artisan, Puerto Rican and from the town of Bayamon named Amarilys Morales.

It all started setting up tables at the University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón Campus where she studied Business Administration with a concentration in Management. Years later, she was certified as an Artisan in the Development Department as an artisan in wire and metal jewelry. Thanks to these certifications, she was able to set up tables and perform in various artistic and craft activities.

Our artisan took goldsmithing courses with Mrs. Monique Michelle in her “Ladysmith” studio where she was able to train in basic goldsmithing, cutting metal sheets, giving textures and welding pieces. She then took courses on creating "stackable" earrings, screens, bracelets and stone settings in bezels.

The intention of taking such courses was to be able to create new pieces, at a more sophisticated and higher quality level, and include them in our jewelry line.

From there, she managed to be certified at the Institute of Culture and has participated in craft fairs such as the "Pal Pueblo" Fair, the Clarity Fair and has been able to present herself at modeling events such as the "White Christmas Fashion Event" and the "Butterfly Fashion Runway 2”.

One of her motivations is to take the world of wire rope climbing to another level so that anyone who does not know the wonders that can be created with these techniques can see and learn as much as possible from this world.